Friday, September 3, 2010

Snow Patrol & Martha Wainwright

I'm behind the moon not knowing about this 2006 collaboration, "Set The Fire To the Third Bar". And I'm in the dark not knowing what the hell it's about! But I like it. Will only take 3,000 more listens to "get it". Cool!

Comic of the Week

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Indian Pole Gymnastics

Now that's some hot male pole dancing! Um, I mean gymnastics.

The second guy that appears about 1:39 into this... well, let's just say... I'd put a Rupee into his orange Speedo.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Yoko Ono: Voice Piece for Soprano!

Yoko performed this at the Museum of Modern Art in New York this past summer. Um, not sure what it is, performance art? Or the howl of a banshee? Sing along, if you dare, kids!

Monday, August 30, 2010

Ricky Gervais Hands Out Beer at Emmy's

Emmy Moms

From last night's Emmy Awards, here's a few Mother-Daughter combos:

Susan Sarandon & daughter Eva Amurri.
Glenn Close & daughter Annie Starke (they looks so much alike!)
Kathy Griffin & mom Maggie Griffin