Thursday, July 24, 2008

Obama in Berlin

Why Berlin, I asked. Well, besides the obvious comparisons to JFK [those comparisons by the media are always welcomed], it's the power of the German vote in the US.

Case in point:

"New York Times" - July 24, 2008

"Germany can be, well, pretty American sometimes. And often overlooked is just how German the United States really is.

"As the American ambassador noted when opening the new embassy to Germany on the Fourth of July, in the 2000 census the number of Americans reporting German ancestry was nearly 43 million, the highest tally of any group. That’s more than Irish or English or Italian, some five times the number claiming French roots and roughly the same number as African-American and Mexican combined.

"The Census Bureau said that every state in the Midwest reports Germany as the largest share of ancestry, with 44 percent in North Dakota and 43 percent in Wisconsin."

Viva La Fatherland, Obama!

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