Friday, July 18, 2008

Offshore Drilling?

The apocalypse is here. Judas is in the house for a few more months and he will be raping the earth and all of us until he’s out. I’m so fucking proud.

Mark Morford “SF Chronicle”

Perhaps I'm missing something. Perhaps there's some dark, secret genius behind President Bush's otherwise absolutely imbecilic and dangerous corporate-whore move to lift the federal ban on offshore drilling, a ban placed there by his own father, as Dubya actually stood there with a straight face and tried to imply that this insidious move was meant to impart something good and helpful for a gas-stunned nation, that he was "doing all he could" to help with prices at the pump, when you could actually see the oil dripping from his shivery bones and the giant hand of Exxon shoved up his weak little spine, making his mouth move.

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