Monday, December 1, 2008

Butterball Thanksgiving

Above: Pic of my plate at Thanksgiving dinner. Everything was delish and yes, I over-amped on the Brussels sprouts. That was only my first helping. I paid for it later, but that's TMI.
Somewhere my mom found this Butterball turkey breast ONLY. It's not pressed meat, but just the breast of the turkey (I carved the thing so I know it was the real deal). It came cooked already, she warmed it up in the oven. It was moist and delicious. [pic was taken w/ my new Razor phone; it too came out good]

Oh and I had to include this pic of my lunch from Thanksgiving. I love a good German lunch [again, snap taken on my FIRST helping...needless-to-say, when I got back home after my holiday visit, I had a salad!]

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