Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Oktoberfest 2012

A repost from "Spiegel Magazine":

The Munich Oktoberfest ended on Sunday after two weeks of beer-fuelled revelry that led to a total of 4,500 items being handed in to the lost property office at the site, including two wedding rings, a hearing aid and two French horns. Unlike in previous years, however, the list did not include false teeth.

Among other items found was a copy of Playboy magazine signed by a model featured in it.

One thousand items of clothing were also left behind, as well as 950 identity cards, 480 mobile phones and 400 sets of keys, the city of Munich said in a statement.

Perhaps that's not surprising given that 6.4 million people visited the festival and drank a total of 6.9 million liters of high-octane beer brewed specially for the festival by the city's six leading breweries.

The guests ate 116 oxen and 57 calves. Attempted thefts of the one-liter beer glasses fell to 111,000, down from 2011 when watchful security staff fished a total of 226,000 glasses out of the bags of departing guests. The glasses are popular souvenirs.

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