Friday, August 22, 2008

Tokio Hotel "Ready Set Go"

Woo hoo! Tokio Hotel has been nominated for a couple of MTV Video Music Awards here in America! I'm shocked but think it's terrific. It will be a chance for the Jungen to be on national American TV. Not that they need any help in getting publicity.

They just did a show at the Fillmore in San Francisco. Here are two snaps from the show:

The "Chronicle" describes them this way: "The best way to describe the glam-metal-emo-pop-tween group is like the Jonas Brothers for girls who prefer chipped black nail polish and fishnet stockings to unicorn puffy stickers and purity rings. "
You can read the full review here. Also, to see the nominated MTV video "Ready Set Go", click here.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Sylvan Sport Go

SERIOUSLY - this camper / trailer / tent combo has me jonzing for some mountain air. Just look at the beauty and simplicity. Fast Forward the video to 1:38 where they show the set-up.

'Eff yea! It's Beer o'clock, baby!

Day In Pictures - Something Hot!

CAPTION: Indian army soldiers display their fire-breathing skills and man bikinis during Independence Day celebrations in Palanpur.
CAPTION: Kalmar's Patrik Ingelsten (left) has about three seconds before the pain hits. (UEFA Cup qualifying match in Ghent, Belgium.)
CAPTION: Three-month-old Misha brings down a large, but mainly defenseless prey named Adrian Vasseur at Jungle Cat World Wildlife Park in Orono, Ontario.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tuba Solo!

And now for the tuba solo!

Nothing says "party" like a German oom-pa-pa band. This one in the Hofbräuhaus in München was top-notch. And this guy was particularly kick ass.

Kick ass in a schnitzel and beer kind of way.

Knight Cod Piece

Can't remember if I posted this already and frankly, I'm too lazy to look at my older posts to see if I did.

But much to my surprise, in the Deutsches Historisches Museum (German History Museum) in Berlin... Wow! Look at the unit on that guy?

Here it is up close. Those Germanic warriors were packin' heat!


I'm pretty sure it was illegal to be drinking this stuff. But those Germans...must have smuggled this across the Czech border!

Oh and it tasted like shit. At least I think it did...can't remember... likely too much hallucinating...