Monday, April 6, 2009

Widmer Brothers beer

I've been a long fan of the microbrew Portland's Widmer. They're consistently good and quite tasty. I bought the case at Costco wanting to try a few new flavors (at a lower price!). Glad to see the brothers making enough for the throngs of Costco fatties.
Broken Halo IPA - a really strong flavor. Delicious actually if the temp outside is below 40 degrees. IPAs are typically stronger than other brews and after just two, I'm not able to operate heavy machinery.
Drop Top Amber Ale - yea, still the bitter beer. I don't know why, but even with the cute bottle this dog needs to be licked by a lesbian. Ick. (who am I kidding? I'll drink it, if it's the last thing I consume!)

Hefeweizen - They're known for this stuff and I can see why. Delish. I'm embarrassed to admit I was only willing to taste Hefe w/ lemon about 3 years ago. Man, what was I missing? When the temp is over 80 outside, DAMN! Heaven in a bottle!

Drifter Pale Ale - I was too impatient to wait for this one to chill, so I drank it warm. I have to admit, I think it was better that way. Can't wait to try this cold.

BTW - the glass in all those pics? "Permanently borrowed it" from a bar in San Francisco.