Sunday, March 30, 2008

U2 3D in IMAX

Not exactly live, but the next best thing!

This afternoon I took in the IMAX flick of U2 3D with some mates. While I was a bit hesitant thinking "how could they make this like a real concert" and "how many times can you go 'ooh, ahh..look at The Edge's guitar, like it's coming at you'..." While there were certainly those "ahh" moments, U2 really used the medium in a new way.
Example - the cool lettering that scrolled behind the lads during the show on the giant lightboard, were transported to in front of them in 3D!
Example - the audio was toyed with too, quieting the audience to nothing and making Bono's voice a mere whisper, only to punctuate it a second later with Larry's drum kick! Really effective use.
Final example - A moment when Bono is doing some staged dramatic thing and writhing on the floor down stage. The camera angle is from the audience perspective. You can't SEE Bono because of the people standing in front of you, but you know he's there - the spotlight and smoke!
Question - did the U2 lads stand the test of 6-story high images of themselves? Surprisingly, Adam Clayton looked the best that large and up close!
I had a blast. Here's the official trailer for the flick. It doesn't do it justice, nor does the bootlegs over on YouTube either. I mean, some goofball brought in a video camera to film the movie. Sure that works sometimes for regular film, but for 3D? All the clips are just a blurry mess. Besides, those bootlegs will be taken down any day I'm sure. In the meantime...enjoy.

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