Wednesday, September 3, 2008

German flag

There's something so unapologetic about this picture: the German flag.

It seems like all we ever learned in school in the US was that Germans were bad and the stigma of WWII will be there forever. While this conversation is longer than I have space, it was quite refreshing to see so many German flags waiving on my trip in June.

Patriotism of any kind is a slippery slope in Germany - even my cousin said so. But during the EuroCup the flag was everywhere, on homes, in gardens, on scooters and cars, you name it.

And no where bigger a flag or so many was here at the Reichstag Building in Berlin. The flag waives proudly and elegantly as if it were saying "we accept the past but look toward the future."

Just my translation of it. And again, it's my fucking blog...

1 comment:

Janz said...

I get weepy when I see the German flag now . . . such a resilient people. And very neat and orderly to boot, or is it das boot?