Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Like Prozac or Novocaine

Walks around the building - done.

Herbal tea - done.

Stress ball - done.

If you TECHNICALLY can't be on heavy medication at work (I need a prescription), how does one deal with stupid fuckers day in and day out? I'm trying Enya today, in hopes she will work like Prozac...or like Novocaine at the very least.

So far so good, but it's only lunch.

Hey, I found this nifty Lord of the Rings / Enya clip that puts a tranquil bead of sweat down my back and under my breasts. I wish I could move to Middle Earth, after all, it's safe now since that damned ring was given back.

I wonder what Liv Tyler is doing right now?

Enjoy the video:

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