Saturday, November 20, 2010

Hot Male Statues in Vienna

Yeah, it might seem a bit creepy to think of statues as hot. I usually don't. But in Vienna, one after another were either homo-erotic or just damn big and muscular. These aren't your uncle's wimpy Greek statues. These are a man's man statues. Beefcake for the ancients, if you will.

I'm sure there are some great myths that go with these, but to my naked eye, they're just hot.

Come one! It's a guy fawning over another guy. Might as well be a bath house scene:

Battling serpents with a bat? Seems like penis envy to me:

Abs not found on any of today's movie stars:

Cradling the aristocracy to safety? Or helping papi up the stairs for some amore?

Even the smart "thinkers" are hot. Can you say, Daddy:

Middle of the city. This spear fisherman with ass cheeks prominently on display. No rhyme or reason:

Mermen are hot too... even if they smell like fish:

And I'm sure this is some sort of "fall from grace" story, but...guess what, it looks hot to me:

1 comment:

Tracey said...

That's Hercules killing the Hydra! Sweet.