Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bumps, Lumps, Humps, oh my!

Sometimes the smallest of things catches my focus and I can't get it off my radar. Take for example some street signs around town. I always thought of them as "speed bumps". When did they become the more sexy, "undulations"?

If it's not a "bump" then it must be a "lump"? Sounds stupid.

Or maybe it's a "hump". But I can't tell the difference between a "lump" and a "hump".

With all this sex talk - humping, lumping, undulation - the obvious choice where to do it is on a "table"?

I swear those city guys must be cracking themselves up.

1 comment:

Doreen said...

It's turned into "undulations" when you moved to Sacramento because Fresburgers don't know what that word means.

Srsly, what *I* want to know is just why they feel the need to slow you down to 10 MPH or 15 MPH or even 20 MPH when the speed limit in those zones is usually 25 MPH. I feel cheated.