Thursday, February 21, 2013

Anonymous Cake Mix

I've recently gone back to Facebook. For the most part, I enjoy it. But I'm finding I have to be on my best behavior. Well, not "best", but I find myself editing or censoring myself. Wouldn't want to offend some old ninny or religious freak. Yeah, I have old friends like that - acquaintances now. I prefer the "I don't give a rat's ass feeling" I used to get when I would post whatever comes to mind - good, bad, or indifferent - which is what I was able to do here. But then again, I have little traffic here; not many people read or look at this stuff. It's like a wasteland for my brain (or mindcake, if you will), a dumping ground. I think sometimes, "if I write something and no one reads it, did I write it at all?" Regardless, I'm going to try to find a good balance of both. If I get too explicit here? Well, so be it. Hairy chests and dicks be damned! I don't care. It's a fine thing feeling anonymous some times... well, in my own mind...

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