Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Alcohol Makes You Free

Ok, that's not what it really says. But with my German skills that of a 1st grader, I was convinced this T-shirt was something equally naughty.

While on a boat on the Rhine this fella wearing his best leather chaps and his lady came on board (bikers are universal). I was sure he wasn't anti-alcohol since he was drinking a tall one. And since SO WAS I - duh - I asked him if I could take his picture.

Well, my aforementioned 1st grade German held out and he got a giggle while I took this snap.

Dear sweet cousin told me later it translates to "Alcohol is no Solution, but a Distillate!" Not nearly as funny as I thought it would have been, but there you have it. She also told me there was a typo in German on the T-shirt. In German it should have been spelled "Destillat".

Maybe that was part of the joke? Certainly leave it to a real German to point out a typo.

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