Monday, May 28, 2012

Best Exotic Marigold Hotel

On a whim we went to see "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel". It's such a charming movie, that I fell in love with it. The movie was a love letter to India, faults and all (the caucaphony of people in India is actually too much for me to ever want to visit). It was great fun seeing old pros like Judi Dench and Maggie Smith share the screen. And it's always a treat seeing Bill Nighy and Tom Wilkinson. The movie reminded me that life is short, take what you can get while you can. We all will end up dead in a wicker chair. And we can only hope for good uplighting and breathable linen when it's our turn. Me and the mister stopped for a bite at Miso before the picture show. I got a Miso Roll. Mmm, spicy goodness.

1 comment:

Karen said...

Can't wait to see this movie!