Saturday, May 29, 2010


No one writes checks any more with online banking. Who sends letters? And the most outdated method of communication: the postcard.

But I love them!

They tell me someone is thinking about me on their trip. That someone took the time to buy the card, write a clever note, buy a stamp, and find a mailbox to send it. Sure the postcards usually arrive long after the person has come home, but that’s not the point. Back when this type of card was essential, people looked forward to them. Now with things so instantaneous, we want an email or a (gads) an e-card. To me, that’s just lazy. I don’t want to schlep around a handheld devise on my vacation (phone or pad or otherwise). I want to unplug. And getting a postcard in the mail makes me green with envy that the person on the other end unplugged on their vacation too.

It must sound ironic that someone who posts on a blog finds such sentimental old-fashioned media so important. But I do.

This little gem from a friend in Kaua’i will live for weeks up on my refrigerator. I’ll smile every time I see it and think how lucky she was to get away from it all and she still managed to think of me... even for a moment.

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