Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Beer in Europe Pt. 1

Stopping in at the local market usually means more than buying cheese and bread. It means trying a few local beers. I have never heard of most of these. And at the ridiculously low price of about 46 cents a can, it's cheaper than bottled water!

These 3 brands were consumed in Amsterdam. Hertog Jan was quite tasty and Amstel was delicious. Oddly enough, one can't buy Amstel in the states, just Amstel Light. And the beer that says "Pilsener"? Found out later that it was the grocery store brand. Not bad for what was essentially generic.
Two more selections from Amsterdam. Bavaria...hmm, odd choice for NOT being in Bavaria. Was decent and somewhat serviceable. Now the one on the right, Oud Bruin. Truly dreadful. Brown, sweet beer. Like something for old ladies or kids just learning to switch from soda to beer. I asked the guys at the Heineken Experience about it. They personally didn't like the stuff and they didn't even serve it at the Experience. Said it was a special thing for the Netherlands. Come to think of it, it might be good to cook with, but other than that, um, no thanks.

Oddly, I don't have any snaps of bottles or cans from Germany. But here in Vienna, 3 more options. Yea, nothing to write home about (which I didn't), but on the warm Austrian afternoon when I drank these, the Bud Light-esque quality went down pretty smoooooth. For the cheap price, no wonder I kept seeing construction guys gulping these on their walk home from work.

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