Wednesday, October 27, 2010

(Not) Beer in Europe Pt. 3

As you can note from the previous 2 entries, I drank beer in Europe. But I also drank good coffee, weird sodas that I couldn't pronounce the name, and lots of water (I like it with gas!). I also had some "not" beer.

Bulmers is a hard cider that is a staple in Ireland. It's sold here in the states under the label Magners. I'm a fan and was surprised to see they've branched out to different flavors. Lemme tell you, the pear is delicious. Not as sweet as the original apple. I didn't try the berry flavor, but will give the pear a thumbs up. And the neat-o green matching pull tops are a winner!

I'd read about Vienna's Heurigen taverns in the Rick Steves travel book. It's basically a wine garden rather than a beer garden. We never made it to one (but got a close 2nd at a restaurant in the city) and I had been aching to try the Viennese wine. Well, Rick was right when he wrote this in his guide book:
"Many locals claim it takes several years of practice to distinguish
between the Sturm wine and vinegar."
No wonder it cost 89 cents. No wonder it was a screw cap (although I'm not a cork snob). And I didn't drink it in a glass... straight out of the bottle for me. Gave me the true Viennese hobo experience!

Speaking of bad wine, I didn't actually buy this one. But while in a Vienna market, it intrigued me. American style? Ruby cabernet? What the fuck? Should have tried some to compare it to 2-Buck-Chuck. I'm glad I can get REAL American wine from California!

1 comment:

Doreen said...

Quite a beer extravaganza in your last couple of entries, Steve. I love the pretty glasses. That's the thing with nice beer glasses. I have a set of Guinness ones.