Monday, October 4, 2010

Creepiest Dolls in Europe

I've seen lots of creepy dolls but these guys have to take the cake. It's one thing to have a Barbie-like doll where the head and body just isn't quite right. It's another thing to have full frontal baby nudity, holding his own johnson or giving everyone the bird. Amsterdam is fun!

Not to be outdone by the naked boys above, this little Dutch girl gives me the heebe jeebes. What's with the one black hand? An homage to Michael Jackson gone horribly wrong?

And here's here nearest relative - Black-Face Betty:

1 comment:

Doreen said...

Jesus Christ those dolls are scary. What parent would want their kid to play with little dollies that are wanking themselves? Really? Maybe I'm just really old-fashioned. Or Puritanical.