Friday, October 8, 2010

Oktoberfest Parade - The Daddies

Part of the opening weekend of Oktoberfest is a large parade filled with brewery floats pulled by horses, marching bands, and men with rifles. It's a time for the Bavarian pageantry to shine. The parade participants include young and old... and The Daddies:

Leather shorts, weaponry, and hats with big plumes, what more could you ask for?

I'm a sucker for a big plume - and handle bar mustache!

I'm pretty sure this is Donald Sutherland:
Yea, I know. I'll say it for you. He reminds me of Colonel Klink too:

In Bavaria, you're never to old to show bare knees.

Another celebrity, Sebastian Cabot (aka Mr. French), from TV's "Family Affair":

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