Sunday, October 31, 2010

[title of show]

We went to a terrific musical last night called [title of show]. Yes, the title is actually part of the gag.

The show is hard to describe. It's about 2 guys who decide to enter a theater festival and only have 3 weeks to write something. The show is about the creation of the show, which is about the creation of a show. No, that repetition isn't a typo. It's a show about writing a show about writing a show. Watch an AP story about the show here:

The local company was wonderful, as usual. Jokes flying a mile a minute. Top-notch singers with one in particular really blowing me away, Jerry Lee. You can read his bio on his website here.

At the heart of the show is, well um, heart. Persistence in what you believe in. Not giving up. And as the show states in song, "Die Vampire Die".

[title of show] went on to Broadway and got a few Tony noms but didn't win. No matter, it's an original gem!

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